
Automatic packing line with ABB paletizer.

Dimac Green Pl@net

robot abb irb660

infoliator robopac 3000HD

The Beneficiary’s Requirements:

The collective packing and palletizing of the 5 liter water bottles.

The implemented solution:

The installed system consists in a Twin Pack handle application machine, in systems for the interoperation transport of the products, in a machine for the collective packing of the products in cardboard boxes, in the palletizing cell consisting in an ABB IRB660 robot and a gripper for the collection of sets consisting in five boxes. The gripper that had been initially installed has been replaced with a much more efficient gripper, which has been designed and executed entirely by our technical department. At the present time, it has the capacity to collect sets consisting in five boxes of 5 liter and 6 liter bottles. A Robopac 3000HD pallet film wrapping machine has also been installed as a component of the system. The system has the capacity to produce up to 40 boxes per minute.

The results:

• The reduction of the costs by using a single operator for palletizing (initially, there were used 5-6 operators per shift).
• A 30% productivity increase for each shift and the possibility to work in multiple shifts.
• An improvement of the work conditions and of the operators’ safety.
• An improvement of the product’s aspect.
• A reduction of the operational costs.